Monday, January 16, 2012

One Step at a Time

As you sit and think from day to day and really try to ponder what life is really about, what do you think of? I think of the many trials that I have gone through and the many that are to come. I also think of the many blessings that our Father in Heaven has given to me. I look at this life here on Earth as a time of trials and tests. I mean we all go through them, no one persons life is perfect. We go through so many different struggles on a daily basis, some more extreme then others. Some that seem like they will never seem to go away. That's why I am so thankful that we have a loving Heavenly Father that is watching us from day to day. He is willing to help us with anything that we need. All we need to do is ask him and truely believe that he is going to help us.

                                                                                     One of my favorite pictures that always reminds me of the love that our  Heavenly Father has for us is the drawing that Micheal Angelo did in the Sistine Chapel. It shows how God is stretching his arm out all he can and it shows how man is lazy and barely putting forth an effort to reach out to him. I've seen in my own life how sometimes we can forget to rely on God and try to do everything our selves. When we put forth that effort and give it all we can, our Father in Heaven has promised us that he will help us in times of need. So when you feel like there is not other option or other way to go, know that you can always turn to your Father in Heaven for the guidance that you need in you life.

Our relationship to our Heavenly Father is just as our relationship to our Fathers and Mothers here on this Earth. When we are still infants and are learning to walk and do things on our own, our parents don't just leave us be and say oh your good! They are there for us and are watching at all times to help us in times of need. They have their arms stretched out and ready to catch us when we fall. At times when we need them to help us to they are there. Our parents are with us at all times through out our lives. No matter what goes on in our lives or where we are at our parents will always love us. The same goes with our Heavenly Father. He has been there for us in every step of our lives. No matter what is going and what has happened in our lives he will always love us and be there with his arms stretched out to catch us. I know that he loves each one of his children here on Earth. As long as we rely on him in our times of need we can get through anything.

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